St. John Food Festival 19, 20 October

St. John Food festival on October 19-20

AAll proceeds from this year’s Food Festival will be donated to:

Armenia Tree Project

• San Francisco-Marin Food Bank

• UC Berkeley Armenian Studies Program (William Saroyan Endowment)

Some have asked why we are not directing Food Festival proceeds to help those displaced from Artsakh.  St. John has already pledged $500,000 to the Western Diocese’s Artsakh Relief Fund and participated in the first mission to Armenia at the end of last year.  The Food Festival contributions will support other Armenian and local causes that are also important and align with the ST. John’s mission.

This year’s Food Festival will feature:

Take-Out Booth with Pre-Sale

• Boutique

• Buffet Line with your favorite foods including Luleh Kebab, Kufta, Pilaf, Soubereg, Khadif, Sarma, Lahmajoon, and more!

• Local Armenian vendors

• Raffle with cash prizes

• Karoun Dance Ensemble